our story
Originally a project of Pili group, Chef Hui consists of local cooks and food service providers throughout Hawaii coming together to serve their community and deepen our connection to our food system. As needs increased, we are honored to be serving as a nonprofit under the fiscal sponsorship of Collaborative Support Services. We support farmers, independent producers, ‘aina based organizations and other like-minded folks because they share our pursuit of a more resilient and compassionate world. We are always learning and we invite you to join us in this journey.
Our mission is to create opportunities to connect the culinary world with their community through a strong network of local chefs and produce providers. We aim to provide opportunities for like minded culinary professionals and educators to deepen their connection to farmers, ranchers, schools, community organizations and individuals working to build a more robust food system.
We currently have partners throughout Hawai’i and our vision is to help as many as we can, wherever they may be. Some day we hope to grow efforts to support the Pacific region as a whole and foster relationships with other similar programs.
Our core team is based on O’ahu!
Chef Hui first became a project of Pili Group in 2018 as a way to deepen connections between the culinary world and the community. We received numerous requests to partner with community organizations and schools to lead creative and interactive food related programs. We soon found there was not only a need to grow the reach in our communities, there was also a growing interest in culinary professionals wanting to strengthen their involvement in their communities. Since 2017, the hui has worked to educate and inspire a connection to food and the people who produce and prepare it.
As a business, an island and an Earth, we find that moving with a sense of gratitude not only brings us boundless joy, but pays forward all of the gifts our ancestors have given us. We as chefs have the innate need to serve others. It fuels our fire. Chef Hui is a means to support the true and unspoken heroes of our community: those who toil endlessly for the preservation, restoration and celebration of the ‘āina that feeds us. When we have risen, we turn around and give back to the community who has lifted us up and invite all to join us along the way.
Our logo represents our mission to maintain a sustaining connection with our community. The pōhaku kuʻi ʻai (poi pounder) at the center, hits the papa kuʻi ʻai (poi pounding board) and creates the lines that radiate around and out from it- representing the motion of the pounding.
The pōhaku kuʻi ʻai symbolizes the Chef and the papa kuʻi ʻai is the greater community. The motion (kuʻi) in this represents the constant support from that chef to the community. Much like the motion, the support is consistent, steady and paced.
While poi is simple and humble in appearance, creating it takes practice, expertise and skill. Kalo was the staple food of old Hawaiʻi and it is symbolic in its ability to connect us all. It is these values of connection, sustainability, agriculture, and kuleana that represents Chef Hui. We hope as we serve our community it continues to have a ripple effect just like this image represents.
Chef Hui is more than just a couple chefs coming together. It is a mobile collaborative of stakeholders from all walks of life ready to step up and step in where they are needed. As part of the Chef Hui our hope is to provide a support system for any and all dedicated to a more robust and equitable food system while having some fun along the way.
Why donate to Chef Hui?
Helping Chef Hui, helps you in the long run. The more we connect our chefs to the rest of our community, the more resources we can provide to local farmers, nonprofits, and us as consumers of local food.
Chef Hui works with other non-profit organizations to prepare meals, gather produce from local growers, as well as distribute food to people in need. Over time, we will have multiple projects that we work on, therefore serving more people.